Saturday, October 21, 2006


I'm not sure what to do with anniversaries that aren't anniversaries anymore. Well, technically, I suppose it still is an anniversary but it's not one I celebrate. Just one I remember. You see, 17 years ago today, I married my first husband. We'd been dating just over 3 months; we were young and very foolish; and we decided to get married. Both of our families were in total turmoil (impending funerals and graduations, siblings in crisis, etc, etc.) It didn't seem like an auspicious time to plan a big family wedding. We (patient twentysomethings that we were) decided to go ahead and get married for us and then do the whole church/family wedding thing for them later. So we did. Seventeen years ago today, we stood up in front of a JOP in a gorgeous garden in Alexandria, VA and said, "I do." Twelve years later we said, "We don't," but that's a whole 'nother blog post. Now October 21st just a weird day for me. I'm not sorry we got married - if for no other reason than for the fact of my amazing sons. I'm definitely not sorry we got divorced - although it was absolute and unmitigated hell to go through.

I love my life. I'm happier now than I could even envision back then. Still and is weird. It's like the scar left after a tattoo is removed by laser. Happy non-iversary to me.

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