Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Here's what I hate about UFO's (i.e. Unfinished Objects):

What was I doing? What was my plan? Did I have a plan? How the heck was I going to tie it all together? Why, oh why, in my frenzy of creativity do I NEVER think to leave myself notes? (Or let's be accurate - why don't I make myself take the time during my creative frenzy to write it all down?)
This is Havoc's 'Kindergarten Quilt' which didn't ever get finished even though it was begun MONTHS before Havoc's first day of Kindergarten. The school sent a letter to us right after we registered that took the wind completely out of my sails. Apparently Kindergarteners no longer take naps at school (no time for that) and therefore don't need nap mats or blankets (no room for that). Sad.
Now that Havoc is in SECOND grade, do you think it's time has come? Perhaps if I work on it now, it will be finished in time for Havoc's son to take to Kindergarten. Maybe by then, it will be fashionable to let Kindergarteners nap at school again. I'm fixing to get ready to think about getting started to finish this sucker.
Bright side alert: I'm in my studio (even though it's not perfect or quite finished) and this is (I think) the first time I've posted any actual quilt content on my blog (even though quilting is what I wanted to blog about MOST when I began blogging almost a year ago!)

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